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Alabama Criminal Records:
If your searching for Alabama criminal records you came to the right place. We help you to find criminal records in AL easily. You can find out if someone has been convicted of a crime, look at mugshots of criminals, check out someone's criminal history in Alabama and much more. We make it easy for you to be able to search Alabama criminal records online using our sophisticated database of records. All these records are free for the public to access. You can find criminal records in Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Hoover, Dothan, Decatur, Auburn and
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Look through the State of Alabama Attorney General opinion listing by either using keyword, opinion number, date, county or the agency.
Locate the Birmingham, State of Alabama FBI Most Wanted directory by either using the name and also locate by photograph. Information provides link to view the fugitive's description, crime and if any reward information.
Look through this list of registered sex offenders residing in Boaz, State of Alabama for all information.
To locate information on "Current Inmates" use this Calhoun County, State of Alabama Sheriff's Office website to locate byusing the name for currently incarcerated inmates.
Look up the Calhoun County, State of Alabama Sheriff's website for information on the most wanted fugitives. It gives information such as the picture, crime, vital statistics, and last known address.
Look through the Calhoun County, State of Alabama Sheriff's Office for any outstanding criminal warrants that may be found .
look through the Calhoun County, State of Alabama Sheriff's Office and worthless check related warrants.
Search the Cullman, State of Alabama Police Department's alphabetical listing of all outstanding warrants. Information that is provideed is the name and date it was issued.
View information from the police department of Decatur, State of Alabama. It provides a listing of the most wanted individuals, with information including the name, DOB, photo, physical description and any charges that may be found.
Look through a listing of criminals wanted in Dothan, State of Alabama. Information that is gives is the picture, last known address, vital statistics, crime, and any leads.
Browse through Fayette county to locate State of Alabama inmates. Some information is provided from the Fayette County Sheriff's Office in Alabama.
Search through the Fayette county, State of Alabama warrants, and find wanted persons. Some information is provided from the Fayette county Sheriff's Office in Alabama.
You can find information through the Fort Payne, State of Alabama's Police Department's Most Wanted list. Use their name and photo to find a fugitive's description, or any charges that have been recorded.
Locate information on the most wanted fugitive posters that was issued by the Hoover, State of Alabama Police Department.
Search through the Huntsville Area Crime Stoppers' listing of most wanted fugitives it provides the name, photo, DOB, race/gender, warrants/dates and description of all crimes that are provided.
Search through this Huntsville, State of Alabama crimestoppers database by either using the name, photo, and crime committed and also for a list of the most wanted fugitives.
Look through this Jefferson County, State of Alabama Sheriff's Office listing of Most Wanted by either using the name or also by using the photo.
Look through the listing of arrests made by the Lanett, State of Alabama Police Department. To view more information select the name to view.
Browse these lists of DUI arrests made by the Lee County, State of Alabama Sheriff.
Search the Madison, State of Alabama Police arrest and incident reports view the information in PDF format by the date.
View this website from the Mobile County, State of Alabama Sheriff to obtain the current inmate list.
Search through this list of recent (past 24 hours) bookings into the Mobile County, State of Alabama jail.
Search through the Mobile, State of Alabama's police department's listing for the most wanted fugitives. Information provides name, photo, DOB, aliases, physical description, weapon used, the description of crime and whom was the investigator.
Look through the Mobile, State of Alabama FBI Most Wanted list by using the name and photograph. Information that is provided is the fugitive description, crime and reward information.
Search through this Central Alabama crimestoppers website by either the name, photo, and crime committed for a list of the most wanted fugitives.
Browse through the police department of Montgomery, State of Alabama to find a listing of the most wanted individuals, with information including name, photo, physical description and all the charges.
Search through these most wanted fugitive posters that was issued by the Morgan County, State of Alabama Sheriff's Office.
View the City of Russelville, State of Alabama Police Department listing of the most wanted fugitives.
Use Internet Explorer, to view this Shelby County, State of Alabama Sheriff's Office website to search for current inmates or inmates who have been released in the last thirty days.
View in Internet Explorer, the Shelby County, State of Alabama Sheriff's Office website to search by the name for wanted fugitives.
Look through the Alabama State Judicial Information System that contains trial court data for all 67 counties. Information includes civil, criminal, domestic, traffic and warrant filings. View the registration agreement and registration fee of $150 that is required, as well as a monthly service fee.
Look through the Middle U.S. District Court of State of Alabama PACER system forinformation on Federal civil and criminal court records. Information requires PACER registration and a small fee for each search. It provides dockets and documents.
Browse the Northern U.S. District Court of State of Alabama PACER system for information on the Federal bankruptcy court records. It requires PACER registration and a small fee for each search. Information provides dockets and documents.
Look through the Southern U.S. District Court of State of Alabama PACER system for information on Federal civil and criminal court records. It will require PACER registration and a small fee for each search. It provides dockets and documents.
Most qualified employers can order a criminal history from the State of Alabama Department of Public Safety Criminal Information Center.
Look through this State of Alabama Department of Corrections website to locate by name and photo for information on inmate escapees.
Look up the State of Alabama Department of Corrections listings for currently incarcerated inmates by using the AIS number or by name.
View this State of Alabama Department of Corrections website to locate by AIS number for inmates on death row.
Search this State of Alabama Department of Corrections service to locate information by the name and photo for parole violators.
Browse through the State of Alabama Department of Public Safety most wanted felony fugitives listing.
View the Crime Stoppers of the Montgomery County, State of Alabama it provides a listing of the most wanted individuals, with information including name, alias, photo and charges.
Look through the U.S. Marshal's Service Southern District of the State of Alabama Most Wanted list by either the name and photograph. Information provides offense, date of warrant and point of contact.
Look through the State of Alabama sex offender registry by either the name, city, county, or zip code.
Browse through the Tuscaloosa County, State of Alabama Sheriff's office for information on inmates by either the name and/or arrest date.
Locate information for the Tuscaloosa County State of Alabama most wanted.
Select the "Warrants" tab to obtain information from the Tuscaloosa County, State of Alabama Sheriff's office by the name for all active warrants.
Locate an inmate that is incarcerated in Alabama DOC.
View this Alabama Dept of Public Safety sex offender website to find sex offenders near where you live.
Allows qualifying employers to conduct a up to date, comprehensive background check on prospective employees.